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 Home > Catalogue > Preface Excerpts
The Preface to Action
graciously contributed by Mr. Anthony S. Fraser.

     Jean Ousset's Action is the Catholic counter-revolutionary's vade-mecum par excellence. Despite having been written on the eve of the conciliar era it has lost none of its relevancy. It was designed to address action by Catholics in almost any conceivable situation from that of Communist dictatorship to post-Christian anarchy.
     There is a temptation for many Catholics, indeed for many men of goodwill, to wilt and despair before the seemingly, unstoppable, onward march of the revolution whether it be in its Marxist, Pantheistic, Secularist, Masonic or Liberal guise (or combination of these). Such a temptation derives in no little way from the auto-demolition of the Church following Vatican II and the litany of scandals liturgical, clerical and socio-political which followed. It also derives from the collusion of many Catholics, by act or omission, with the revolution.
     My late father, Hamish Fraser, the editor of Approaches, a convert from Communism, regarded Jean Ousset's Action as a working document providing the framework for construction of a Catholic counter-revolution the aim of which is to re-establish the Social Kingship of Christ. My father, who first arranged to have this work translated and made available to English-speaking nations, would have heartily encouraged the re-printing of the work. I am sure that he, like Ousset, would have exhorted those who have resorted to inaction or despair to join or return to the fray. The Sacred Heart has promised us: I will reign in spite of my enemies and Our Lady has promised that, in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The guidance in Action will enable us to take what defensive action we can until, with God's grace and help, His will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
          A. S. Fraser
          Editor, Apropos
          Feast of St Mark 2002

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